Sulawesi, formerly known as Celebes, is one of the main islands of Indonesia, and the 11th largest island in the world, covering an area of 174,600 km2. With four spindly arms spinning outward, Sulawesi’s spidery shape is easily recognizable. The Sulawesi island located in between Borneo in the west, Maluku to the east, Philippines to the north and Nusa Tenggara in the south. Sulawesi Island contains a great variety of exotic tribes, landscape and natural wonders.
The name of Sulawesi Island is probably come from the old Java Language. It consist of two words, sula and wesi. Sula means Islands and Wesi means Iron which may refer to the practice of iron ore production of the mines in Sulawesi. And the Celebes name are coming from the Portuguese people around 14-15 century. It refer to Celeber from Latin word means famous (Celebrity) because of the rich iron ore mines within Sulawesi Island.
This enormous island has much to offer to the visitors from extraordinary unique cultures in Toraja Land, to an under-explored mountainous such as Rantemario, and several truly world class diving spots such as The Takabonerate Islands with also known as the biggest atoll in Asia, The Togian Islands with the famous of B24 Wreck Dive and Una Una Vulcano, Wakatobi Islands in South-East Sulawesi famous of the quotes from Jacques Cousteau “Probably the finest diving site in the world” and Bunaken Marine Park in the North Sulawesi with the famous Wall and Deep Dive.
Geographically, Strait of Sulawesi or more known with name Makassar Strait, its the border of the Wallace Line which seperates two different kind of fauna between the ecozone of Asia and the Australian ecozone. The transitional zone is sometimes called as Wallacea, named after the founder Alfred Russel Wallace. Plants and animals related to Asian species are found to the north-west; to the south-east are mainly Australasian species are found, with some Asian species. Later on, Max Carl Wilhelm Weber are publicly announce his discovery called The Weber’s Line after the Siboga Expedition. The Webber’s Line separate exclusively the flora and fauna of Australian from the Maluku Island down to the Timor Sea in the South. This make Sulawesi flora and fauna are unique among the other Island in the western part of Indonesia. It has a specific flora and fauna such us ebony wood, hog-deer and Maleo bird which has large eggs.